Peachtree Software does not recommend that their users run with Pervasive.SQL 2000, but this is primarily because they do not support it and they have not done extensive testing with it.
Peachtree Accounting for Windows 2002 (or version 9) does do the version checking, but it will accept Btrieve 6.15, Pervasive.SQL 2000 SP2a, or Pervasive.SQL 2000i (SP3), though Pervasive.SQL 2000i is designed to be 100% backward compatible with all Btrieve API applications. Since Peachtree versions 5, 6, 7 & 8 all expect Btrieve 6.15, they will fail if they get the version information from the Pervasive.SQL 2000 Engine. This version checking looks for a specific version of the Btrieve engine and will cause Peachtree to fail if it receives a response different from what it expects. Peachtree Software introduced version checking in Peachtree Accounting for Windows version 5.0. You may also need to reboot your computer to clear memory from time to time. You may need to restart PeachTree to get to the next error message. For each of these settings, change the values to those requested by the program in the error messages. These settings can be found by using RegEdit and opening up the location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Btrieve Technologies\Microkernel Workstation Engine\Version6.15\Settings. The common parameters it complains about are "Compression Buffer Size", "Delete TMP Files", and "Max Communications Buffer Size", but others may be reported as well. One problem often seen is that older versions of Peachtree complain about certain database parameters that it checks before the application will load.

What is good news is that Sage/Best Software has a much better track record with supporting their software, and we do expect the level of service to improve dramatically! This is the primary downside to a low-cost application, as they have concentrated on providing a quality application at a low price, and not on maximum compatibility and support. Historically, Peachtree has provided a very low level of support for running their applications on ANY database version other than what they ship. Peachtree Complete Accounting, Peachtree Accounting for Windows, Sage 50 Application Support for Peachtree Accounting (Sage 50)